Stuck In A Career Rut? The Complete Guide To Break Out & Advance Your Career

August 2024

Your career started with great promise and potential, but now you’re stuck, watching others climb the ladder while you remain standing still in one place. The frustration and confusion are real, but they don’t have to be permanent.

Take the example of the journey of a finance manager. Starting straight out of grad school, she followed a predictable path, with promotions every few years. But her story isn’t about steady progress — it’s about breaking free from the rut that often accompanies it.

According to a recent survey we conducted on LinkedIn, 78% of respondents have experienced a career plateau at some point in their lives, highlighting just how common this struggle is. As normal as it sounds, this affects professionals across various industries, often leading to feelings of frustration, self-doubt, and uncertainty about the future.

Here’s your complete guide to turn around your career and overcome stagnation.

Recognising the signs of career stagnation

Before you can break free from career stagnation, you need to recognise the signs. It’s not just about missing out on promotions; stagnation can manifest in subtler ways.

Do you feel disengaged or unchallenged by your work? Are you going through the motions without the passion that once fueled your ambition? Perhaps you’re overwhelmed by routine, with little excitement for what lies ahead. These are all red flags that you’re stuck in a rut.

Assessing your current position

The first step to getting back on track is to assess your current situation objectively. Reflect on your career journey and identify what has changed. Ask yourself:

  • What initially attracted you to your role?
  • What skills and experiences have you gained?
  • What areas of your work do you find most fulfilling?
  • What parts of your job leave you feeling drained or frustrated?

This self-assessment isn’t about placing blame but gaining clarity. Understanding where you stand is crucial to identifying the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

Can you regain passion for your job?

Career stagnation often stems from losing sight of your passions. Reconnecting with what excites you can be the catalyst for change. Consider revisiting the aspects of your work that you enjoyed most when you started. Was it the creative problem-solving, the teamwork, or the thrill of closing deals?

If those aspects have faded, find ways to bring them back. This might mean taking on new projects, collaborating with different teams, or even pursuing a side hustle that reignites your enthusiasm. Passion is the fuel that will propel you out of stagnation and towards growth.

Seek new challenges & opportunities

One of the most effective ways to escape a career rut is to seek new challenges or even find a new job. When you’re not learning or growing, it’s easy to become complacent. Challenge yourself to step outside your comfort zone, whether by taking on more responsibility, leading a new initiative, or acquiring new skills.

If your current role doesn’t offer these opportunities, it might be time to explore options elsewhere.

Connecting with a recruiter can be a game-changer in this process. Recruiters have the expertise to match your skills with roles that align with your career goals, opening doors you might not have considered. An entirely new career path can provide fresh perspectives, renewed motivation, and the growth you’ve been missing.

Learning doesn’t stop

The world of work is constantly evolving, and staying relevant requires continuous learning.

Even when the job market begins to heat up again, we may not see promotion rates recover to 2022 levels for some time. For some people, it’s a tough new reality to accept — especially if you have come to expect frequent advances up the corporate ladder.

If you’re feeling stagnant, it might be time to upskill or reskill. Look into courses, certifications, or workshops that align with your career goals. Not only will this make you more valuable to your current or future employers, but it will also boost your confidence and open up new opportunities.

Consider exploring trends in your industry, learning new technologies, or developing soft skills like leadership, communication, or emotional intelligence. The key is to be proactive in your development, not just waiting for opportunities to come your way.

Build a strong network

Your network is one of your most powerful tools for overcoming career stagnation. By connecting with others in your field, you can gain insights, advice, and opportunities that you might not have access to otherwise. Attend industry events, join professional organisations, speak to a recruiter or engage with colleagues and peers on platforms like LinkedIn.

Mentorship is another valuable resource. A mentor who has navigated similar challenges can provide guidance, support, and a fresh perspective on your situation. Don’t hesitate to reach out to someone you admire and ask for their advice.

Reevaluate your career goals

Sometimes, career stagnation occurs because your goals have shifted without you realising it. The ambitions you had 5 to 10 years ago might not align with what you want today. Take the time to reevaluate your career goals and ask yourself:

  • What do I truly want from my career?
  • What does success look like for me now?
  • Are my current actions aligned with these goals?

If you find that your goals have changed, it’s okay to pivot. Career growth isn’t always a straight line, and sometimes it requires making bold moves or even starting over in a new direction. The key is to ensure that your actions align with your true aspirations.

Take action with a plan

Breaking free from career stagnation requires a plan. It’s not enough to recognise that you’re stuck — you need a roadmap to guide you out of the rut. Start by setting clear, actionable goals that move you towards your desired outcome. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

For example, if your goal is to move into a leadership position, your plan might include gaining experience in team management, improving your leadership skills through training, and networking with decision-makers in your organization. Break down your goals into smaller steps and track your progress regularly.

Conclusion: What’s next?

Career stagnation is a common experience, but it doesn’t have to be a permanent one. By recognising the signs, reigniting your passion, seeking new challenges, investing in learning, and working with a recruiter, you can break free from the rut and move towards a fulfilling, dynamic career.

With the right mindset and a proactive approach, you can easily land an opportunity that not only aligns with your skills and aspirations but also moves your career forward, bringing you closer to achieving your long-term goals.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your career and explore new opportunities, visit There are roles that match your ambitions and you can even connect with experienced recruiters!